Harlem Township Heritage
“Sunbury Co-operative Creamery to Nestles”
Sunbury historian Polly Horn will talk about the history of the Sunbury Co-op Creamery, the John Wildi Evaporated Milk Company, and the Nestle factory.
When: Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Community Room, Harlem Twp. Firehouse
Light refreshments will be served.
Wagons of butterfat delivered to 185 S. Columbus St. in Sunbury. The Sunbury Nestle factory on S Columbus St. in Sunbury1919 to 1993. The aroma of brewed coffee, spread throughout the village.
Co-operative Creamery operated from 1892 to 1918.
Photos from: http://bigwalnuthistory.org/Local_History/Creameries/Sunbury/Co-OpCreamery.htm