O’Shaughnessy Dam : A Historical Perspective
The Powell Liberty Historical Society
invites you to join us for
an informational presentation.
Featured speaker: Tim Solack, Dublin Historical Society
The presentation covers why and how the O’Shaughnessy Dam was built, the causes of the great flood, global warming, the hydroelectric plant and historic photos.
Monday, October 9 • 7 :00 pm
Liberty Township Hall • 7761 Liberty Road
No charge – donations gratefully accepted. For more information check the Powell Liberty Historical Society
About O’Shaughnessy Dam
The O’Shaughnessy Dam is located on the Scioto River near Dublin, Ohio, United States. The dam forms O’Shaughnessy Reservoir, which is a major source of drinking water for the city of Columbus. It was completed in 1925 following recommendations of then superintendent Jerry O’Shaughnessy (for whom the dam was named). At the time, the reservoir was described as “the finest inland waterway in the United States.” Listed on the National Registry of Historical Places July 5, 1990. (Source Wikipedia)