From Slavery to Freedom, and Underground Railroad Sites
Tuesday, February 15 at 7pm
Location: The Barn at Stratford (click for map)
About This Event
This program will feature the history of African Americans who lived and worked in Delaware County and northern Franklin County.
Attendees will learn about the history of:
- Africa Road
- The Underground Railroad
- The Lucy Depp Settlement
- The Alum Creek Quaker abolitionists
- and more.
Entrance to what is believed to be a hiding place in Delaware for enslaved people on their way to freedom in Canada
Watson Walker Jr.
About the Presenter
This program is presented by DCHS Volunteer, Watson Walker, Jr.. He graduated with a B.A. from Fisk University and an M.A. from the University of Dayton. He has been a member of the Delaware County Genealogical Society since 2007 and currently serves as their president. Watson has been a member of the Delaware County Historical Society since 2007 and serves as the Chair of the DCHS Diversity and Inclusion Committee. He has authored three books on the Underground Railroad and six volumes of “dime novels” – Black History stories.
Reserve Your Seats
The program is free and open to the public. There will be an opportunity to make a donation, which will help defray the expenses.
The program will be presented live at The Barn at Stratford and via Zoom conferencing. Reserve your seat(s) through EventBrite
Click to Reserve Your Seats2690 Stratford Road, Delaware OH 43015 – 740-369-3831