Registration is now open for

2017 Warren G. Harding Symposium

Friday, July 14 and Saturday, July 15, 2017

In honor of the 100th anniversary of the United States joining World War I, we present

The Great War: How America Came of Age.

Warren G. Harding Symposium - OSU Marion - History - Ohio
One hundred years ago, in 1917, Woodrow Wilson’s policy and public opinion changed in favor of the United States entry into World War I largely due to mounting German atrocities, the sinking of the Lusitania, and the need to protect our own economic interests. Dr. Michael Kazin of Georgetown University, Dr. David Steigerwald of The Ohio State University, Harding researcher and author Sherry Hall, and Dr. Andrew Huebner of the University of Alabama will each bring valuable insights into events leading up to our entry into the conflict, the domestic impact, and the “return to normalcy” following the “war to end all wars.”

Click for a Harding Symposium registration form 2017 for the Harding Symposium, which may be returned to my attention at The Ohio State University at Marion with cash or check payment. Online registration and payment is also available by directly clicking .  Any other questions about the Harding Symposium can be directed to me at 740-725-6340 or

New this year to the Harding Symposium weekend is an optional event on Sunday, July 16: the annual Friends of the Harding Home Day. Following a brunch buffet and meeting, Harding researcher Jon Andersen will present a program titled, Camping with Warren, Tom, Henry and Harvey. He will explore the famous camping trip in Maryland which included President Warren G. Harding, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone and answer the question – “What really went on that weekend?” Advance reservations are required. This event is free for Friends of Harding Home members and $20 for non-members. Please note that Friends members and other guests must register for this event.  Registration for the Friends of the Harding Home Day event can be done by calling the Harding Presidential Site at 800-600-6894, email from website, or register through the “News and Events” members tab on the website. This portion of the weekend is not included with the Harding Symposium registration.


Emily Creasap
Program Coordinator of Development and Community Relations

Ohio State University at Marion
240 Maynard Hall, 1465 Mt Vernon Avenue, Marion, OH 43302
740-725-6340 Office